macOS下Homebrew安装(包含切换镜像源) 您所在的位置:网站首页 brew 更换镜像源 macOS下Homebrew安装(包含切换镜像源)


2023-04-23 00:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


用管了Linux使用命令直接就能安装包和管理包!我们都很喜欢 (Debian/Ubuntu)系列的apt包管理系统和(Redhat/Fedora)系列的yum包管理系统。 那macOS系统也是作为UNIX类的操作系统,有没有方法能够用命令就能安装包呢?于是Homebrew就诞生了!

什么是Homebrew呢?Homebrew is the easiest and most flexible way to install the UNIX tools Apple didn’t include with OS X. 官方的解释非常明了,Homebrew是一个包管理器,用于在Mac上安装一些OS X没有的UNIX工具(比如著名的wget)。




然后把下面的一大堆命令复制进去,然后给install.sh授权,使用下面chmod 777 install.sh命令给该文件授权,然后使用./install.sh命令进行安装。然后慢慢等着就行了!(有点久,毕竟是从github克隆的)

#!/bin/bash set -u # First check if the OS is Linux. if [[ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]]; then HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX=1 fi # On macOS, this script installs to /usr/local only. # On Linux, it installs to /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew if you have sudo access # and ~/.linuxbrew otherwise. # To install elsewhere (which is unsupported) # you can untar # anywhere you like. if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/usr/local" HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="/usr/local/Homebrew" HOMEBREW_CACHE="${HOME}/Library/Caches/Homebrew" STAT="stat -f" CHOWN="/usr/sbin/chown" CHGRP="/usr/bin/chgrp" GROUP="admin" else HOMEBREW_PREFIX_DEFAULT="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew" HOMEBREW_CACHE="${HOME}/.cache/Homebrew" STAT="stat --printf" CHOWN="/bin/chown" CHGRP="/bin/chgrp" GROUP="$(id -gn)" fi BREW_REPO="" # TODO: bump version when new macOS is released MACOS_LATEST_SUPPORTED="10.15" # TODO: bump version when new macOS is released MACOS_OLDEST_SUPPORTED="10.13" # no analytics during installation export HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_THIS_RUN=1 export HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_MESSAGE_OUTPUT=1 # string formatters if [[ -t 1 ]]; then tty_escape() { printf "\033[%sm" "$1"; } else tty_escape() { :; } fi tty_mkbold() { tty_escape "1;$1"; } tty_underline="$(tty_escape "4;39")" tty_blue="$(tty_mkbold 34)" tty_red="$(tty_mkbold 31)" tty_bold="$(tty_mkbold 39)" tty_reset="$(tty_escape 0)" have_sudo_access() { if [[ -z "${HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS-}" ]]; then /usr/bin/sudo -l mkdir &>/dev/null HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS="$?" fi if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]] && [[ "$HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS" -ne 0 ]]; then abort "Need sudo access on macOS!" fi return "$HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS" } shell_join() { local arg printf "%s" "$1" shift for arg in "$@"; do printf " " printf "%s" "${arg// /\ }" done } chomp() { printf "%s" "${1/"$'\n'"/}" } ohai() { printf "${tty_blue}==>${tty_bold} %s${tty_reset}\n" "$(shell_join "$@")" } warn() { printf "${tty_red}Warning${tty_reset}: %s\n" "$(chomp "$1")" } abort() { printf "%s\n" "$1" exit 1 } execute() { if ! "$@"; then abort "$(printf "Failed during: %s" "$(shell_join "$@")")" fi } execute_sudo() { local -a args=("$@") if [[ -n "${SUDO_ASKPASS-}" ]]; then args=("-A" "${args[@]}") fi if have_sudo_access; then ohai "/usr/bin/sudo" "${args[@]}" execute "/usr/bin/sudo" "${args[@]}" else ohai "${args[@]}" execute "${args[@]}" fi } getc() { local save_state save_state=$(/bin/stty -g) /bin/stty raw -echo IFS= read -r -n 1 -d '' "$@" /bin/stty "$save_state" } wait_for_user() { local c echo echo "Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort" getc c # we test for \r and \n because some stuff does \r instead if ! [[ "$c" == $'\r' || "$c" == $'\n' ]]; then exit 1 fi } major_minor() { echo "${1%%.*}.$(x="${1#*.}"; echo "${x%%.*}")" } if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then macos_version="$(major_minor "$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion)")" fi version_gt() { [[ "${1%.*}" -gt "${2%.*}" ]] || [[ "${1%.*}" -eq "${2%.*}" && "${1#*.}" -gt "${2#*.}" ]] } version_ge() { [[ "${1%.*}" -gt "${2%.*}" ]] || [[ "${1%.*}" -eq "${2%.*}" && "${1#*.}" -ge "${2#*.}" ]] } version_lt() { [[ "${1%.*}" -lt "${2%.*}" ]] || [[ "${1%.*}" -eq "${2%.*}" && "${1#*.}" -lt "${2#*.}" ]] } should_install_git() { if [[ $(command -v git) ]]; then return 1 fi } should_install_command_line_tools() { if [[ -n "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then return 1 fi if version_gt "$macos_version" "10.13"; then ! [[ -e "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git" ]] else ! [[ -e "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git" ]] || ! [[ -e "/usr/include/iconv.h" ]] fi } get_permission() { $STAT "%A" "$1" } user_only_chmod() { [[ -d "$1" ]] && [[ "$(get_permission "$1")" != "755" ]] } exists_but_not_writable() { [[ -e "$1" ]] && ! [[ -r "$1" && -w "$1" && -x "$1" ]] } get_owner() { $STAT "%u" "$1" } file_not_owned() { [[ "$(get_owner "$1")" != "$(id -u)" ]] } get_group() { $STAT "%g" "$1" } file_not_grpowned() { [[ " $(id -G "$USER") " != *" $(get_group "$1") "* ]] } # USER isn't always set so provide a fall back for the installer and subprocesses. if [[ -z "${USER-}" ]]; then USER="$(chomp "$(id -un)")" export USER fi # Invalidate sudo timestamp before exiting (if it wasn't active before). if ! /usr/bin/sudo -n -v 2>/dev/null; then trap '/usr/bin/sudo -k' EXIT fi # Things can fail later if `pwd` doesn't exist. # Also sudo prints a warning message for no good reason cd "/usr" || exit 1 ####################################################################### script if should_install_git; then abort "$(cat &1)" && [[ "$output" == *"license"* ]]; then abort "$(cat






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